How to loose weight fast with GOOD NUTRITION
Weight Loss
Weight loss is the beginning of having a good nutritious diet. The simplest way of losing weight is to change one's eating habits, for life!. This sounds difficult, right? In fact it takes just 7days for a person to form a habit, so it will just take 1week to get used to your new eating plan.
Bear in mind that one should not go onto a "Diet", but rather change one's eating pattern and stick to it, or even improve it as time goes by.
As a mother of 7 kids, with the eldest one being only 8years old, I cannot allow for any illnesses or allergies to occur as I would have no time to spend in waiting rooms at Doctor surgeries or Emergency units at the Hospitals.
My 7th baby is now 4 months old and I am still wearing size small clothing! Sounding impossible?
So whatever it is that we are consuming is definitely working.
If it was not for my husband, then I would probably be failing in everything that I do.
When I decide on a certain eating plan for my family, then together with my husband we implement it into our daily lives. He makes sure that the house is always clean and the food is always prepped, so that I can concentrate on creating healthy _nutritious meals.
Working together in a loving, harmonious environment contributes to a healthy heart and lifestyle.
Getting back to the eating plan, you should always have a variety of foods from each of the following groups : carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy products and fat.
A diet that is poorly planned can lead to shortfalls of some of the nutrients essential to our good health.
Choose your portion with caution
We often eat too much of certain foods at one meal and this excess intake can cause weight gain.
Check your products labels to learn what the recommended serving size for that food is.
Eat regular meals and snacks each day. This will help to fuel your metabolism and will prevent you from making poor food choices when feeling ravenous.
NOTE: Not everyone is able to consume raw cows milk,so first do a trial run to see if your tummy can handle it. Most people has experienced cases of diarrhoea after consuming cows milk.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit
Focus on fibre
Weight loss is the beginning of having a good nutritious diet. The simplest way of losing weight is to change one's eating habits, for life!. This sounds difficult, right? In fact it takes just 7days for a person to form a habit, so it will just take 1week to get used to your new eating plan.
Bear in mind that one should not go onto a "Diet", but rather change one's eating pattern and stick to it, or even improve it as time goes by.
As a mother of 7 kids, with the eldest one being only 8years old, I cannot allow for any illnesses or allergies to occur as I would have no time to spend in waiting rooms at Doctor surgeries or Emergency units at the Hospitals.
My 7th baby is now 4 months old and I am still wearing size small clothing! Sounding impossible?
So whatever it is that we are consuming is definitely working.
If it was not for my husband, then I would probably be failing in everything that I do.
When I decide on a certain eating plan for my family, then together with my husband we implement it into our daily lives. He makes sure that the house is always clean and the food is always prepped, so that I can concentrate on creating healthy _nutritious meals.
Working together in a loving, harmonious environment contributes to a healthy heart and lifestyle.
Getting back to the eating plan, you should always have a variety of foods from each of the following groups : carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy products and fat.
A diet that is poorly planned can lead to shortfalls of some of the nutrients essential to our good health.
Choose your portion with caution
We often eat too much of certain foods at one meal and this excess intake can cause weight gain.
Check your products labels to learn what the recommended serving size for that food is.
Eat regular meals and snacks each day. This will help to fuel your metabolism and will prevent you from making poor food choices when feeling ravenous.
I give my family raw cows milk to drink. It has loads of benefits, healing properties and nutrients in.
- Grill, steam or bake foods instead of frying
- Decrease intake of foods high in hidden fats, such as sausages, pies, chocolates, doughnuts, cakes, biscuits, pastry and crisps.
- Use only 1teaapoon of oil per person sharing the meal.
NOTE: Not everyone is able to consume raw cows milk,so first do a trial run to see if your tummy can handle it. Most people has experienced cases of diarrhoea after consuming cows milk.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit
- Vegetables and fruit are nutrient dense offering a good source of beneficial nutrients for relatively fewer kilojoules. Increase your vegetable and fruit intake to at least 5servings per day.
Focus on fibre
- Whenever choosing a starchy food, ensure that it is also a source of fibre. Increased fibre intake helps protect against long term weight gain, aids blood sugar control and can help you to feel fuller for longer.
- Choose high fibre breakfast cereals, whole-wheat pasta and bread, brown rice and whole potatoes eaten with their skins.
Use sugar and foods containing sugar sparingly
- When eaten in excess, sugary foods can lead to weight gain.
- Save sweets, cakes and fizzy drinks for special occasions only.
Increase your fluids
- It's possible that you may be mistaking the feeling of being thirsty for hunger, and eating unnecessary.
- Ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Get fitter
- Your metabolism determines how quickly your body burns that fuel you give it in the form of food. Increasing your lean tissue or muscle stores will increase your body's metabolism, increasing the rate at which you burn energy.
- Do regular physical activity to balance your energy intake and expenditure, but also build your lean tissue stores.
Always check with a dietition as to which food groups you have to eat.
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